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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: April 16, 2013.

In college, I had a friend named Carl, who came to the same film and media classes I attended. We were friends and had the same goals – to work in the entertainment and media business. While we were in college we both had different jobs, and during that time Carl worked in a furniture store.

When we graduated, I started packing to pursue my purpose, but Carl got a nice offer from the owner of the furniture store. So he decided he’d take the offer, pay off a few bills, and then “catch up with me later.”

It’s been 37 years, and Carl still hasn’t showed up. Every time he was ready to leave the furniture store and come to Los Angeles, his boss offered him a raise. After a few years he was married with kids, and the promotions and raises were a big help. But every time he accepted those raises, he was trading a piece of his dream.

After 10 or 20 years, the window of opportunity closed. Now, it’s too late to pursue that dream and he’s left managing a furniture store in the Midwest. It’s a good job, with a certain status and position. He’s a respected member of his community, but he’s not living out the purpose he planned.

What about you? Which is more important: the risk of pursuing your dream and purpose in life, or the security of a salary?

It’s a simple question, with not so simple answers. But either way, it’s up to you.

What’s your answer?




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For more than 30 years, Phil Cooke has helped nonprofits find their purpose and is now applying this experience to individuals: “During a long career in the media business I’ve talked to hundreds of writers, producers, directors, designers, executives, and other professionals and discovered that in most cases, one thing is all it takes to launch a project or dream.”

Learn more about the writer Phil Cooke


2 Responses

  1. Eva Brown

    With God ALL things are possible!!! Dreams are great, but take a huge willingness to risk everything to go for. I’m not so sure that “risking it all” is worth it. Follow Jesus who truly directs our paths!! Unless God is directing your path to pursue something, a lot of times “chasing dreams” is not what its cracked up to be. AND further, with God the window of opportunity NEVER closes! The author of this tiny article is mislead and is simply posing a question, one that does not examine the facts on either side very carefully, nor deeply. Whose to say that the young man who is being responsible and rewarded financially for his work is not chasing his dream? People change as do their dreams and goals in life! Let’s not be so limited in writing or thinking that Our God can’t change a situation! That kind of thinking leaves people STUCK in the past!!! Our lives are not to be lived in the past, but with Jesus Christ in the very present everyday!


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