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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: June 7, 2017.

“Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp.
He covers the sky with clouds;
He supplies the earth with rain
and makes grass grow on the hills.”

Psalm 147:7-8


I’ve heard a number of my Christian friends say recently, “Life is so fragile.”

And though I agree that life is neither predictable nor easy, something deep within me wants to say, “But our God is so much greater than our frailty!”

Not a hair falls from your head that He doesn’t see; not a word from your mouth that He didn’t already know about at the beginning of time. He is aware of your need before you ask and has – for centuries – worked to bring intricate details together for your destiny.

You are the object of His undying affection.

I’m not ignoring our limitations as human beings, in and of ourselves. But with all of the chaos, all of the danger, all of the mess that mankind has made, our God is still completely aware, perfect in power, passionately in love, and forever on time.

No issue confounds Him, no power eclipses Him, and all pure love finds its source in Him.

With all of the beauty and majesty in the universe, we are His most prized creation. He has moved mountains, calmed seas, and given His life for us. He offers us shelter in the shadow of His wing and invites us to live eternal in the fortress of His faithfulness.

I think back to foolish things I’ve done – hanging out with the wrong people at the wrong time; driving way too fast or through blinding snowstorms; walking down dark alleys and riding deserted subways alone – and I wonder how I’ve survived as long as I have.

Yet this I know:

  • It is my God who laid the foundations of the earth and determined its dimensions.
  • It is my Savior who, with a word, set the boundaries of the sea and knows where the gates of death exist.
  • It is our Creator who provides food for the ravens when their young cry out in hunger and makes daylight spread to the ends of the earth to bring an end to the night’s wickedness.*

Why would we think we are not under His constant watch-care?

Mankind is compared to grass numerous times in the Word, but this is not so much about frailty as to remind us that our lives are fleeting. Our time on this earth is but a breath in the bigger picture of eternity. Our physical bodies are temporary, while God is eternal.

Unexpected events can happen in a moment and life can be changed in a heartbeat. We can get sick or lose a loved one without having seen a warning sign. But these sudden changes were only unexpected to us. The One who created us is neither surprised nor apathetic.

God is more active than we could ever imagine keeping us alive, safe, full of hope, and growing.

Yes, you should treasure each breath as a gift and not take a moment for granted. But you’re not called to live out your life in fear of what tomorrow holds.

You are not just floating around in space, prey to random disaster and chance attack.

Jesus assures us in John 10:28-29, “No one can snatch (you) away from Me, for my Father has given (you) to Me and He is more powerful than anyone else…”

And if you don’t know Jesus yet, if you haven’t given Him control of your heart, still you are more under His loving-care than you realize: “For He gives His sunlight to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.” Matthew 5:45

When disaster strikes, when sickness comes, when the unexpected becomes your reality: remember the One who holds all wisdom and releases His power on your behalf. Take comfort in His presence and let Him lead you to a Rock that is higher than your storm.

This world may be temporal and abundant with trials, but a life hidden in Christ is not dictated by chance. Your Savior is doing much in your midst.



Feeling a rush of encouragement? Click here to read more inspiring words for the soul ~ Human Life Verses Spiritual Life

Click here to learn more about gifted faith writer Amy Layne Litzelman



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