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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: March 18, 2014.

Do you want the kind of romantic relationship Solomon and his wife had?
Then, take the same action that they did, and you will afford yourself the best opportunity for real communication and romance.

This is part five of a series on communication in marriage by Pastor Steve Carr.  Part four can be found here.

Here are more principles that will greatly help you to build your communication skills.

3. Spend time together. Once you have dealt with your failures in your attitudes, words, and actions, and have sought God for His power and help, you need to take the opportunity to communicate.  Do you set specific time aside to communicate?  You did this before you were married.  You talked on the phone every chance you could.  You went out on dates and would talk about everything and anything for hours.  Do you remember how romantic and how much fun it was to talk?  This is what must happen again.  How?

You need to start dating the one you love on a regular basis.  Why not call your spouse and set something up today?  Then tomorrow, make a special effort to call your spouse again just to say, “I love you.”  Talk to your husband or wife about your upcoming date and your anticipation of being together.  You may also try turning the T.V. off and sitting after dinner just to talk over your day.  Take a bike ride or a walk together.  You need to regularly set time aside to just be together because failure to do so is one of the fundamental reasons why many couples slowly drift apart.  Other things soon take priority over being together, then slowly and imperceptibly the distance begins to grow.  You can stop this drifting, but it takes constant vigilance to keep time together as a high priority.

Solomon and his wife had the right idea.  The Shulamite requested of her husband, Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away…Let me see your countenance, let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, and your countenance is lovely” (Song of Solomon 2:10,14).

Do you want the kind of romantic relationship Solomon and his wife had?  Then, take the same action that they did, and you will afford yourself the best opportunity for real communication and romance.  Is the voice of your spouse still sweet?  It can be, if you will again make the same effort you did before you were married.  Your spouse is worth the time and the effort!

4. Encouragement and praise. If you desire to build good communication with your spouse, try this strategy.  Each time you are together look for something that he or she has done well, and praise him or her for it.  If you encourage the actions which are godly, loving, and responsible, you will build your mate up and build your overall communication.

This is what the Scripture teaches us to do.  Paul says we must, …Exhort one another daily…” (Hebrews 3:13).  Speak the words that, …build others up…” (Ephesians 4:29).  Solomon declared that, …A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30).  This encouragement could again be equally given to women to praise their husbands.  But, the question is, do you do this?  One day Jesus Christ will say to you, “…Well done, good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:21).  If Jesus considered these words important to say, shouldn’t you do the same?  Praise and encouragement is an acknowledgment of your love and appreciation, which naturally builds a person up.

How often do you say an encouraging word, or a “well done?”  Your mate must do something right,  responsible, or loving each day.  Look for these things and then tell your spouse that you appreciate them.  If harsh and critical words destroy your communication, think of what praise and appreciation will do.  Take the time to talk and to spend time together.  Be gracious with your words, and encourage instead of being harsh and critical; it will build your communication more than you could ever imagine.

Remember, The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious…”(Ecclesiastes 10:12).  Therefore be wise. Go and give a word of praise and encouragement to your loved one today!




Click here if you missed What it Means to Love Your Spouse – Part I




If you would like more information on the marriage ministry of Pastor Steve Carr or his book Married and How To Stay That Way,visit Covenant Keepers

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