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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 1, 2014.

Madame Mallory takes great pride in her restaurant, holding only the highest standards for the food she serves. But when an Indian family opens a restaurant directly across the street, she is appalled by the food, the décor, the music, and . . . well, everything. Are these two restaurant owners destined to be ever at odds, or will they find common ground in the food they love so much?

Based on the book by Richard C. Morais, The Hundred-Foot Journey takes Helen Mirren on a voyage of discovery, untapped potential, and acceptance, all in the hundred feet it takes to cross the street. The Hundred-Foot Journey arrives on DVD tomorrow!


Inspired to try your own gourmet cooking? Try this recipe for a perfect Panini!

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