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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: March 16, 2015.

Every Life-Giving Mom is unique

You do not need to feel like you are pressed in a mold to look picture perfect as a life-giving mom. You may have one child, or you may have many. You may work, or you may stay home with your children. You may be single, or you may be married. Your children may have been sheltered, or they may have been wounded and abused. no one but god knows your unique challenges and pain that develops the character of long-suffering into your life.

This I know: if you are a mom, you have experienced pain. For most of us, we have experienced ripping, life-altering pain. You don’t really know bittersweet pain until you are a mom. You hurt when your child is rejected. You hurt when you make mom-mistakes. You hurt when you face adult challenges that your child would never understand.

If you are not healed, then your own hurt will hurt your child. Patience is the process God has for all of us to take the issues of pain and suffering and turn them into the sweetness of sacrifice and servanthood.

A Life-Giving Mom is Patient

A life-giving mom is patient and long-suffering. Patience is the ability to endure delay, difficulty, or discomfort. It is to be tolerant of annoyance with calm resolve. To be a patient mom is to understand.

The unique stresses of a child and to be persevering, constant, and consistent. Patience is not being rash, hasty, or impulsive. it is not easily provoked. A mom is able to suffer long with her child.

Every mom I know, has fallen short in the area of patience. If you surrender to the life-giving shaping of God in your life, He will use the painful things to build patience and character. Patience is something that God works deep into the fabric of who we are. If we let Him, He will change us through our mistakes.

Every Life-Giving Mom Needs God’s Grace

The key to walking in the character of Christ, is to stay connected with Your Life-Source. You need His divine empowerment and unmerited favor to parent your child with patience.

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