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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: June 14, 2015.

The upcoming episode of A.D. the Bible Continues on NBC this evening, June 14, inspires overcoming faith even in the midst of suffering, loss, and terror.  This episode, which includes the dramatic story of the Ethiopian eunuch and the heart-grabbing events with Tabitha, is especially timely for the day in which we live as more and more Christians around the world are suffering brutal persecution but are also experiencing the power of faith and forgiveness. In a private screening on June 11 of upcoming Episode 11 of  A.D. the Bible Continues provided by NBC, the power of God’s spirit through Christians is wonderfully depicted as it enables the Christians to overcome increasing terror and suffering through faith and forgiveness.

On June 11, Dr. David Jeremiah who has partnered with A.D. the Bible Continues to provide expository teaching that corresponds to the A.D. episodes through the book of Acts, verse by verse and chapter by chapter, teaches on the power of faith after teaching on the power of forgiveness June 10. The NBC  A.D. the Bible Continues also continues to provide weekly, online, auxiliary teaching and discussion tools. Further, Roma Downey and A.D. staff provide previews, auxiliary videos, and supplemental insights for upcoming episodes, as well as with reviews of past episodes for A.D. supporters.  The additional educational resources that are provided each week for A.D. are rich, deep, and wide.

Peter from the episode "Rise Up"; Photo Courtesy of NBC.

Peter from the episode “Rise Up”; Photo Courtesy of NBC.

Those who are avidly watching and appreciating the A.D. the Bible Continues series are hoping and praying that NBC will approve a second season of this powerfully encouraging and inspiring presentation of the Bible that is so desperately needed for our times. Tragically, many people know little about the Bible even though there is no other book that has so powerfully and significantly influenced history and great enduring art: music, literature, architecture, visual art, dramatic art, film and more.

This series is not only providing dramatic presentations of the Bible but is inspiring and encouraging viewers to read the Bible itself and to study its influence on history, cultures, and the arts. Further,  A.D. the Bible Continues is picturing the authentic history of the first century in Jerusalem and the Holy land, as well as a realistic depiction of Christian history and faith that has always involved persecution and suffering that Christian believers have overcome through God’s power in faith and forgiveness.

Caiaphas from the episode "Rise Up"; Photo Courtesy of NBC.

Caiaphas from the episode “Rise Up”; Photo Courtesy of NBC.

The A.D. the Bible Continues also continues as a role model for excellent storytelling and filmmaking. In terms of storytelling the episodes in this series that is based on the universal and classic Biblical Gospels and Book of Acts that have stood the tests of time displays the following outstanding elements: universal themes; multi-dimensional characters; compelling beginning; increasing jeopardy and high stakes, suspenseful twists and turns that lead to a powerful climactic turning points; strong cliff-hanging endings and more.

In terms of filmmaking the following elements are of the highest caliber: skillful, multi-faceted, ensemble acting; spectacular cinematography; authentic, realistic but beautiful costumes, make-up, hair styles; artful lighting; magnificent sets and scenic panoramas and more. This series is continuing to set the bar in the ever-improving Reformation of content and Renaissance of artistry in faith-based television and movies.

Written by Diane Howard, Ph.D. (Performance Studies),

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