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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: November 19, 2015.

The story of Thanksgiving has been taught for decades highlighting the brave characteristics of the pilgrims who came over to America on the Mayflower, but what actually happened on the first Thanksgiving?

Saints & Strangers focuses on the 102 settlers who traveled on the Mayflower from England to America. They quickly learn that re-establishing themselves in the New World is more difficult than they had originally hoped for.

Upon settling on Plymouth, the pilgrims, who sought religious freedom from England, and the merchant adventurers, who came on the Mayflower strictly for economic purposes, struggle with clashing beliefs when attempting to establish their new colony. However, their troubles escalate after discovering several Native American tribes already residing on the plantation.

Produced by Sony Pictures Television, Saints & Strangers promises to go “beyond the familiar historical account of Thanksgiving and the founding of the Plymouth Plantation” by accounting the real story of the Mayflower, the discovery of Plymouth Rock, and the relationships that were made with the Native Americans.

The two night event, Saints & Strangers, will begin Sunday, November 22nd on The National Geographic Channel.

For more information about this event, check out Prolific Director Paul Edwards Helms National Geographic’s 4-Hour Movie ‘Saints & Strangers.’

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