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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: January 17, 2016.

The One on the White Horse

An Original excerpt from “Fast Friends”

By Suzanne Niles


I saw a movie with a friend yesterday.  At one point in the movie the leading man comes riding up an escalator in a tux carrying a red rose.  He is bringing it to present to his wife at her place of employment, with her co-workers as witnesses.  You can almost hear the heartfelt sighs of all the women in the audience, mixed with the grumbling comments of, “Why doesn’t my husband ever do anything like that?”

Well, I must admit there was a time when I might have been tempted to join in the complaints. The intensity that fasting and prayer has brought to my relationship with my Savior has changed how I view true love.  I looked at the scene and thought to myself, “That’s my Jesus!”

No I don’t think Jesus resembles Hollywood’s current heartthrob, but the action this actor took in this scene reminds me of the kind of thing my Savior would do.  I honestly see Jesus as the prince who rode in on the white horse to save me.  He is the lover of my soul.  He is jealous over me.  He is so madly in love with me that he died to have me as his own.  He feels this very way about you also!


'Fast Friends' Book Cover

‘Fast Friends’ Book Cover


God has given me a wonderful, godly husband.  Bob and I have been together longer than we have been apart in life.  We started dating when I was 16 and he was 17 and married five years later.  He is the one!  The one God prepared for me.  I love him dearly.  But, when I think of the perfect love, I think of Jesus.  When I think of the only one who can fill that empty spot inside, I think of Jesus.  When I think of the one who will be with me always, the one who knows the number of hairs on my head, the one who will go with me places no else can, is by my side 24/7: it is Jesus.  He thrills me, he makes my heart skip a beat.  And I want more of Him.  Our God invites us to seek him.  He promises if we seek him we will find him, just listen to Jeremiah 29: 13,


You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


And he says he will confide in us.  Psalm 25:14a,


              The Lord confides in those who fear him.


And he loves us always and forever after.  Jeremiah 31:3 and Jeremiah 33:8,


              The Lord appeared to us in the past saying:  I have loved you with an

              everlasting love;  I have drawn you with loving-kindness


             Gives thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good, His love

              endures forever.


Jesus is the one we have been waiting for all along.  Don’t wait any longer.  Start today.

Seek Him.  Love Him.  Sacrifice for Him.  You will receive more blessings than you could ever imagine.



Purchase your own copy of Suzanne Niles’ and Wendy Simpson Little’s new book at your local Barnes & Noble or on Amazon !

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