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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: March 11, 2016.

NEWSBOYS is a sensational Christian band that has achieved many career achievements including four time Grammy nominated band and Number one on the Billboard Christian Albums Chart. The band is now on tour with their latest album, RESTART. Here is one of their singles from NEWSBOYS album.

It’s no secret that the Newsboys spend a lot of their days on the road. They’re constantly challenged and driven to make powerful, intriguing music that will continue to bring their message of faith to anyone who will listen. They’ve been doing it for almost three decades now. That’s a long time to consistently make new and exciting music but they’ve continued to do it with fervor and drive, allowing them to stay at the top of their game in the process.

Keeping things fresh can be a challenge in all aspects of life. Old things can seem stagnant and past their “due date” and we get caught up in the glitz of what’s fresh and unchartered. And then there are those things in life that just become more poignant, more meaningful and quite simply, more needed as time goes on. Their depth and power never seem to lose their luster.


Live With Abandon Lyrics

Chasing after this world makes me tired
Praisin’ my own name leaves me dry

There’s gotta be so much more to life than this
A higher calling that I missed
I want my life to count, every breath

I wanna live with abandon
Give You all that I am
Every part of my heart Jesus
I place in Your hands
I wanna live with abandon

I’ll drop everything to follow You
It’s only Your hands I hold onto

There’s gotta be more to life than this
A higher calling that I missed
I want my life to count, every breath

I’m not looking back
I’m done with that
Wanna give You all I have

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