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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: April 2, 2016.

Pastor Greg Laurie knows that following God’s will is important. However, discovering God’s will can be a challenge. In How to Know the Will of God, Laurie helps us discover the moments when God is leading us.

As Christians, Laurie states that we don’t believe in chance, but providence and that God has a specific plan and purpose for everyone.

However, we must realize that God wants to lead us more than we want to be led. He wants to reveal all of His secrets to us.

Throughout the video, Pastor Greg Laurie highlights key principles that will help you identify when God is leading you:

1. Make sure it is in line with God’s Word. The Bible says that His Word is a light to our path. God’s will for you will never contradict the principles found in Scripture.

2. Ask God to confirm what you believe to be His will. The Lord will open doors and confirm things through circumstances, if you are stepping in the right direction.

3. There should be a peace and a joy about it. Something might be Biblically sound and doors may appear to be open, but discernment also plays a role. When you are in the will of God, there is peace and joy as a result.

4. Remember God’s timing. Sometimes we have the right idea, but our timing is off and we simply need to wait.

For more information about Pastor Greg Laurie, visit his website.

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