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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: August 11, 2016.

On July 18, On DVD Release reports that “Miracles From Heaven” is an overall, top-selling DVD. This wonderful movie is now available on DVD. Most libraries appreciate acquisition suggestions and this movie is an excellent choice for family, church and organizational libraries and more. “The Jungle Book,” a top pick family movie which is still in theaters, is due out on DVD the end of August and is a top-selling DVD in the adventure category even in pre-release. In the animation category, top-selling “Zootopia” is now available on DVD. “Finding Dory” and “The Secret Life of Pets” are also top pick family movies are still in theaters and are also top-selling DVDs even in pre-release in the animation category.

SCH Top Picks DVDs Secret Life of Pets movie hits theaters. July brings wholesome family entertainment

Secret Life of Pets movie hits theaters. July brings wholesome family entertainment

In the drama category, “God’s Not Dead 2,” which is also a top pick in theaters, is also a top-selling DVD in pre-release. Its release is scheduled for August 16. “Risen” and “The Young Messiah” are now available on DVD and are top-sellers and top picks in the historical category.
“Woodlawn” is now available on DVD and continues as a top-seller and top pick in the sports category.

SCH Top Picks DVDs, Woodlawn football team

Woodland football team kneeling to pray

It is encouraging to see that redemptive family movies with excellent content and quality are popular top-sellers in theaters, on DVD, and on streaming. The more the pubic shows consumer support for these kinds of movies, the more they will be made.

Good family and redemptive movies continue in theaters because of consumer support. Today individuals as consumers have more freedom to express Christian values in movies than in most public spaces. Christians must understand and use this power positively for the sake of their families, communities, and our world. Statistics have shown that good family and redemptive movies have demonstrated consumer support and staying power for many years and that is why they continue in production.
Where expressions of Christian values are limited in many public arenas they are less limited in movies, television, and streaming media where there is consumer support. Today we are seeing a social trend in which a new morality has been developing that values tolerance and inclusion. Ironically, in many areas of our church, school, and community lives, this new social trend is often not inclusive or tolerant when it comes to Christian values, except where there is consumer support. Therefore, we see more open expressions of Christian values in movies and other media in public spaces where there is consumer support.

Therefore, when consumers choose good redemptive movies in theaters, on DVD, and on streaming they are serving themselves, their families, and their world for good.

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