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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: November 29, 2016.
Southern Baptist minister Jim Linzey returned to the Los Angeles to speak to a multi-racial congregation about Verna Linzey, and the meaning of being born-again in this troubled society. It was the first time he spoke to this congregation since the passing away of Evangelist Verna Linzey. Global Covenant Church, known as The Los Angeles Mission, was where revival had broken out under Verna Linzey’s ministry from 2012 to 2014. Rev. Alice Hodges, who spearheaded a Morris Cerullo crusade in Japan years ago and is the wife of Pastor Gary Hodges, solemnly spoke about the passing away of Verna Linzey who died from heart failure on Veterans’ Day, November 11, 2016 at Naval Medical Center San Diego.
The United States is being torn apart, due to the unrest caused by the election. Racial tensions are at their peaks, and everyone is searching for an antidote. However, only one thing can diminish the internal turmoil the nation is facing. Only one thing can calm the storm that’s raging.
 African Americans, Filipinos, Caucasians, and Japanese believers gathered in a packed out house to hear Dr. James F. Linzey speak about Verna Linzey’s ministry, the meaning of truly being born-again in a troubled society, and how offering God’s unconditional acceptance to one another and not judging is a conduit for God’s saving grace to redeem man from his sins.
It was during this solemn message, at Global Covenant Church in Los Angeles, that something quite out-of-the-norm took place. Fighting erupted outside the house when a young male adult, who evidently wanted to disrupt the meeting, attacked Pastor Gary, pushing him down. Dr. Linzey called for several of the men of the congregation to assist Rev. Hodges who then counseled and calmed the young man. The meeting continued peacefully as several members filmed the message.
Dr. Linzey, chief editor of the Modern English Version and managing editor of the New Tyndale Version, began his message by reading John 3:1-16, and ended with a powerful, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16, MEV). After that he recounted the salvation experience of the Army Private at Fort Lee, Virginia, who was a priest in the Church of Satan, who gave his heart to Christ. Dr. Linzey issued a challenging message to consecrate dtheir lives completely to Christ. Several people requested prayer afterward. After the message was wrapped up, a visiting minister invited Dr. Linzey to appear on Christian television. The TV station, along with the time of the broadcast, will be announced soon. Also, an invitation was given to continue speaking monthly at this “Los Angeles Mission.”
This Article has been republished Christian Newswire.

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