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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: January 6, 2018.

It’s been said that every major fear stems from the fear of death. The majority of Americans are afraid of death and dying, and it is a natural fear that promotes self-preservation. We are ultimately not afraid of falling—we are afraid of dying when we fall. We are not afraid of spiders—we are afraid of being bitten and injured or dying from the poison. We are not afraid of public speaking—we’re afraid of dying on stage from the sheer fright of talking in front of so many people!

The question before any of us who are afraid is this: What will you do about it? Will you let fear stop you from doing what you dream of? Or will you take courage…and do it anyway?

My new book Courage for Life is an encouraging look at our fears and the power to overcome them. In it I share the seven steps I found to C.O.U.R.A.G.E.: Commit to Change, Overcome Obstacles, Uncover Your True Self, Replace Worldly Lies with Scriptural Truth, Accept the Things You Cannot Change, Grasp God’s Love for You, and Embrace a Life of Grace.

There isn’t a magical yellow-brick road that will lead us to a fearless place where we can instantly find courage. But God has provided us a way to hope and healing, a way to find saving grace and experience true joy. My prayer is that you will find God’s hope, healing, and grace in Courage for Life.

God knows when our hearts are breaking. He knows the fear-based choices we make create open wounds that never seem to heal. But when we seek to please the Lord in all areas of our life, His desires will become the desires of our own heart. The Bible says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” 3

It’s time to stop making fear-based choices and instead to live a life of courage. Join me as we learn to do this together! You can find the newly updated version of Courage for Life available January 23rd!


  • Ann White is the founder of Courage for Life Ministries, which is particularly focused on teaching the Bible to at-risk women. Find out more at Ann White  


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