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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: March 9, 2018.

Watch the video above for John Piper encouragement about complaining to God!

Sometimes we feel like God doesn’t want to hear our problems. We should be content with what God has given us, so shouldn’t we just keep our discontent to ourselves? John Piper says otherwise.

He says that we should pour out our hearts to God!

Psalm 142:1 “I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble.”

John Piper says that “you shouldn’t have a complaining heart toward God. You should trust God in the bitter providences and in the sweet providences you trust Him. Here’s the problem: we do!” However, too often instead of truly being content, we simply hide our complaints. We pretend we don’t have them by suppressing them. “It’s bad to have a complaining heart. But you do. So now what do you do with it?” The answer is quite simple: “you do it in front of God.”

You don’t have to hide your feelings from God. He already knows, and He wants you to talk with Him!


What do you think of this video? Are you encouraged? Let us know in the comments below!

Also, watch John MacArthur’s message on why bad things happen to good people!




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