worthy of your focus. Happy woman enjoying the sea from ferry boat crossing Bosphorus in Istanbul

Is it Really Worthy of Your Focus?

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman asks, "Have you ever noticed how something that seemed so important suddenly loses its power when put in the proper perspective?" What's worthy of your focus? In these moments, she suggests that we allow the Light of faith to guide us from our darkness.
why I believe. book open on a beach

Why I Believe

This is why I believe: "The wisdom of the changing seasons; the power of birth and regeneration; the beauty and diversity beyond imagination." SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that God’s fingerprints are everywhere.

This Place of our Affliction

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman provides an interesting and inspiring perspective on Isiah 43:20, reminding us to trust in God to provide freedom and provision from places of affliction.

Changing Your Perspective on Obedience – Part I

If the Holy Spirit is our guide as we walk through life, then why do we constantly question our teacher's guidance? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman encourages us to still our hearts and allow the Spirit to show us truth.