How to Mind Your Thoughts

SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer understands how our minds can often wander and shares advice on how to redirect our thoughts to reflect the mind of Christ.

Why You Should Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Is your self esteem suffering because you compare constantly yourself to others? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer explains how we can find #freedom from low self-esteem when we meditate on God’s perfect design.

How to Talk to God

Ever caught in prayer and not sure how to talk to God? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer teaches how to simply start, proclaiming the truth of His delight in our prayers.

How to Avoid Temptation

Does the enemy catch you in a snare with a lure you can’t resist? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares biblical truths to help keep you from taking the bait!

What the Bible Says About Excuses

How often do we find ourselves making excuses? SCH Contributor, Tricia Goyer shares insight on the internal conflict that can cause us to be distracted from the beauty of God and His ways.