Live Your Life’s Dream…Inspired by God

What is big to God in your life? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares words of wisdom on how listening to God will help you live your life's dream in ways you may have never imagined.

5 Ways to Help a Teen Mom

Can you make a positive impact on a teen mom? Having gone through this herself, SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares 5 ways to help a teen mom from becoming a statistic.

Jesus is the Key to Joy

What can you chase on earth that will bring you lasting happiness? SCH Contibutor Tricia Goyer shares words of wisdom on why Jesus alone is the key to joy.

My Forever Home

Is your soul stirred with a call to adopt? SCH Contributor and adoptive mother Trica Goyer shares a poignant story of enveloping her new daughter into a forever home that will bring a tear to your eye.

Praying for Your Child’s Foundation of Faith

How do you guide a child to have a relationship with God? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares how to pray for your child's foundation of faith and provides wonderful prayers for every day of the week.