mom's call to character. Happy loving family. Pretty young mother reading a book to her daughters.

A Mom’s Call to Character

Has your relationship with the Lord been put aside since you became a mom? Sue Detweiler shares how a mom's call to character means time with God.

3 Ways A Life-Giving Mom Can Overcome Hard Situations

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the difficult times in your life? SCH contributor, Sue Detweiler, reminds us that God knows what we're going through, and He is using our difficult times to make our faith in Him stronger!

Feeling Trapped?

Sometimes being a mother can be so frustrating. SCH Contributor Sue Detweiler teaches how to break the strongholds of negativity with the Word of God and the love of Christ.

Overcome the Invisible Struggle Every Mom Faces

We all face battle within our minds against the desires of our flesh. An angry mother is the source of much pain for her children. SCH Contributor Sue Detweiler teaches moms 4 steps to win the battle with the help of Christ.

God Knows and Cares

All of us have an opportunity to turn to God. SCH Contributor Sue Detweiler reminds us that God cares about all of our struggles and will use prayer to comfort our hearts.