Cheerful Family Bonding by the Beach - family bucket list

Why You Need A Family Bucket List

Planning adventures and goals with our children is a great way to grow closer to them. Today, SCH Editor, Lindsey Andrews shares why we all need a family bucket list and how it can strengthen our families.

What’s One More? | Leaving an Honorable Legacy

One of the greatest joys of fatherhood is leaving an honorable legacy on your children through believing in their dreams. Radio host and author, Joe Battaglia, shares from his new book, "That's My Dad", how his own father left an incredible legacy on him, helping him achieve success.
son on dad's shoulders on picnic with mom - kenny luck father factor

The Father Factor With Pastor Kenny Luck

Is the role of a father important as a child seeks acceptance? Join Pastor and Men's expert, Kenny Luck, as he calls fathers into action in what he calls the Father Factor.