Teaching Your Kids Self-Control

Any sacrifice you make now to discipline your kids will establish a regard for your authority that will transfer over into their teen years. SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe gives mothers easy steps for fairly enforcing 'don't touch' rules.

Know When to Cut the Cord

How do we, as parents, find the balance between guiding our children and letting them freely grow up? SCH Contributor Dr. Tracey Mitchell teaches on the dangers of codependent relationships which may form from our fear of rejection.

Teaching Your Child Forgiveness

If your child is upset with a specific person, prayerfully consider how you can help them see their own contribution to the struggle. Focus on living as a godly example before your children, and you will teach them how to handle discord properly.

Quality Time or Quantity Time?

Ask God to give you His wisdom to help you to develop a close relationship with your children from an early age. SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe reminds us of the importance of being intentional with the time you spend with your kids.

How to Raise a Likable Kid

How to you work on your child's social skills? SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe offers great advice on how moms can teach their sons social graces.

Purposeful Parenting

Are you sharing God with your children in the time you have with them? SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe reminds moms that they’re not just parenting- they are representing Christ to their kids!