loving our limitations

Loving Our Limitations

What are you learning through your weaknesses? Jenny Klouse reminds us we should be loving our limitations. Jesus sees our potential and loves us despite our human barriers.
the grace of god

The Grace of God

Ever feel undeserving of the grace of God? SCH Contributor Samy Taganho reminds us that God wants you to obtain and enjoy His salvation as a gift.
bridge over beautiful flowing river - when losing everything is not losing everything

When Losing Everything Is NOT Losing Everything

Sometimes, the Lord takes things away from us because He wants to bless us with something even bigger, better, and more incredible than our wildest dreams. Author & Speaker, Rhonda Stoppe shares her own personal story about when losing everything is NOT losing everything.
God's Standard

God’s Standard

SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley asks through the teachings of Psalm 12, how often do we find an honest man or woman? He advises that the best way to experience God is through honest words and a pure heart.
Woman in field with arms stretched open - praising god with your whole heart

Praising God With Your Whole Heart

What keeps you from praising God with your whole heart? Are you self-centered, sinful or prideful? Pastor Jesse Bradley shares beautiful insight from Psalm 9 & encourages us to stay bold and on fire for Jesus.
white flowers growing in garden - choosing faith during trials

Choosing Faith During Trials

When trials come, it's easy to give up and stop relying on the Lord. Through her own personal story, SCH Contributor Heather Beadles shows us how choosing faith during trials will bring a greater, lasting joy & thankfulness.