Persecuted – Movie Review

A faithful evangelist finds himself framed for murder after refusing to back a senator's proposition for religious reform. SCH Contributor Bethany Jett shares her insight into this new Christian film.

Unstoppable – Movie Review

Kirk Cameron embarks on an incredible journey of faith, seeking the answers to tough questions about God and the nature of suffering. SCH Contributor April Kruger shares her insight into the movie and its value to us as Christians!
stand your ground

Stand Your Ground (A Cry For Justice) – Movie Review

When her son is falsely accused of murder, Jackie (Francine Locke) fights against the odds to free her son. But as the prosecution seeks a life sentence, will Jackie's faith stand the test? SCH Contributor Kerwin Kuniyoshi reviews this charged film about justice, triumph and trust in God.

I Am Gabriel

I Am . . . Gabriel is a dynamic, emotional film with a talented cast that brings a simple message of hope and a stern reminder that God hears us when we look past the messenger and set our eyes on the Author of that message.
blue like jazz movie

Blue Like Jazz – Official Movie Trailer

Don, a pious 19-year-old sophomore at a Texas JC, impulsively decides to escape his evangelical upbringing for life at one of the most progressive campuses in America.
the hunger games

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games. America’s latest literary obsession is now America’s newest cinema craze. Be assured this story is about more than just mindless violence.