Our Future in Christ

When we remain in Christ and His life flows through us, we will bear fruit. SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reflects on the light of God that produces fruit within our hearts.

Moving Forward By Faith

Pastor Jesse Bradley brings a message of hope and teaches that spiritual maturity comes in your relationship with the Lord when you ride the waves of life's storms, knowing He'll grant you grace in the present, and again in the future.

The Greatest Commandment

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman encourages us this Easter to trust in God no matter the trials we face, just as Jesus continued to love despite his betrayal.

7 Threats to Eternity with Jesus

Does your lifestyle say there’s something more important to you than God’s grace? SCH Contributor and Pastor Jesse Bradley shines a light on 7 earthly desires which can inhibit your trust in Jesus.

Peaceful Reconciliation

Are apologies difficult for you to make? SCH Contributor and Pastor Jesse Bradley provides encouragement on the importance of achieving peaceful reconciliation as soon as possible.

Pride and Prejudice

Is there something limiting your intimacy with God? SCH Contributor and Pastor Michael Hayward teaches what stands in the way of a deeper, more authentic relationship with God.