Right Here Right Now

"Don’t waste this time worrying about what God knows you need." SCH Contributor and Pastor, Michael Hayward counsels us "trust God to meet your needs (not satisfy your wants), and prayerfully seek those God-ordained opportunities to serve someone else in Jesus’ name."

Embracing the Season

Even those of us who anticipate change have a tendency to hold on to the past to some degree. Collecting treasures as we travel through life is healthy. It’s when we get out of step with the seasons that we get in trouble.

Displaying God Through Your Life

As we see God at work in us, we are motivated to work even more diligently. When you sense God developing an area of your life, join Him in His activity so that His salvation will be demonstrated fully.
Lion Mom and cub nuzzle, godly pursuits

Godly Pursuits

A mark of spiritual maturity is a willingness to sacrifice personal comfort in order to strengthen other believers. Paul urges Christians to pursue only activities that promote peace and behavior that builds up others.

Time to Go Deeper

Amy Layne Litzelman invites us to soak in God's presence with both mind and soul. "Let’s drink from the bottom of the ocean instead of sipping from the surface."

Get Established

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman encourages us to delight in the extravagance of God through our weaknesses so that our roots will grow deeper into his peace, his joy, and his compassion.