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Fountain of Life

The holidays can be overwhelming! SCH Contributor, Amy Layne Litzelman shares just one of the ways we can hit the pause button on our day, breathe deep and drink from the one true fountain of life - Jesus.

What Does Success Look Like For You?

SCH Contributor Phil Cooke sets a great reminder that the future isn’t about things, it’s about purpose. No matter the size of your bank account or title at work, you can discover a fulfilling and exciting reason for living.

When It Seems Like It’s Just One Trouble After the Next

"In this world you will have trouble..." we often remember as life overwhelms us. SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee declares the truth of Jesus' words following which we often forget, "But take heart! I have overcome the world!" Rejoice in this proclamation!
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The Treasure Within

From childhood all the way through our adult lives, we think those things that are just out of reach are going to really satisfy, SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman points out that we often lose sight of the fact that we carry within us a Treasure greater than all the "earth contains."