August 1st – American Minute – Herman Melville

"There she blows!" cried the lookout, sighting Moby Dick. This classic, was written by Herman Melville, born AUGUST 1, 1819. "Better known works which rely on allusions from the Bible include Milton's Paradise Lost...Shakespeare...and Melville's Moby Dick... Secular education...demands that the student have a good knowledge of the Bible."

July 31st – American Minute – Columbus Sails a Third Time

After drifting aimlessly for eight days and running out of drinking water, Columbus vowed if the winds returned, he would name the first land he saw after the Holy Trinity.The winds returned and on JULY 31, 1498, he sighted an island off the coast of Venezuela which coincidentally had three peaks. He named it Trinidad.

July 30th – American Minute – The Death of William Penn

He was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London eight months for being a Quaker, but later King Charles II gave him land in America as repayment of a debt owed to his father. On this land he started a colony and invited persecuted Christians of Europe to join his "holy experiment" of religious toleration.

July 29th – American Minute – Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville,a French social scientist, traveled the United States in 1831, and wrote a two-part work, Democracy in America (1835, 1840), which has been described as:"the most comprehensive and penetrating analysis of the relationship between character and society in America that has ever been written."

July 27th – American Minute – The Korean War Ends

The Korean War ended JULY 27, 1953, “FREEDOM IS NOT FREE” is inscribed on the Korean War Memorial inWashington, D.C. President Truman stated, "As we pray for our loved ones far from home - as we pray for our men and women in Korea, and all our service men and women wherever they are - let us also pray for our enemies."