July 18th – American Minute – The French and Indian Wars

George Washington described the Battle of Monongahela to his younger brother, John Augustine Washington, JULY 18, 1755:"... I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!"

July 17th – American Minute – Bartolome’ de Las Casas

Las Casas became the first priest ordained in the New World. He dedicated his life to stopping the enslavement of Indians. He was officially appointed "Protector of the Indians." Las Casas is considered one of the first advocates for universal Human Rights.

July 13th – American Minute – The XYZ Affair

French privateers seized nearly 300 American ships. As America and France came close to war in what became known as the XYZ Affair, the then retired 1st President, George Washington agreed to serve once again as Commander-in-Chief of the Army on JULY 13, 1798.

July 12th – American Minute – George Washington Carver

Born a slave around JULY 12, 1864, George Washington Carver became a scientist of international renown. Carver says of the Bible, "It tells about the God who made the peanut. I asked Him to show me what to do with the peanut and He did."