Learning to Trust Again

Is trust difficult for you to come by after feeling betrayed? SCH Contributor Jack Watts shares the two things we need to regain the ability to trust and truly heal.

Learning to Serve Others

Friends and family have helped you through your recovery process, but have you been able to pay it forward? SCH Contributor Jack Watts teaches us how to be a great and lasting influence to someone who has undergone similar trials.

Recovery Requires Unlearning Old Behavior

When the pain from abuse subsides, where do you begin the healing? SCH Contributor Jack Watts teaches how you will remain vulnerable unless you ask yourself this important question.

Feeling Worthless is Never God’s Will

If you've suffered abuse, do you find yourself struggling with feelings of worthlessness? SCH Contributor Jack Watts shares the steps you must take to overcome the toxic aftereffects of abuse.

The Secret to Prayer

What do you ask God for? SCH Contributor Jack Watts reveals where we can sometimes go wrong in prayer and explains how to deepen your communion with God.

Helping Wounded Christians Heal- Renewing Your Mind

Do you still find yourself dwelling on past wrongs? SCH Contributor Jack Watts encourages us to give God the freedom to work pain out for our good. If you want more, renew your mind. Accept the Lord’s purpose as your own and press forward. If you can do this, your life will begin to exhibit estimable character qualities