thorns in life

The Raspberry Thorns in Life

Are you ever surprised by how much pain little things can cause? SCH Contributor Jenny Klouse reminds us of God’s grace and power in our moments of weakness.
Christians in college

Christians in College

Can a Christian student survive a public university? SCH Contributor Jenny Klouse explains why parents shouldn't worry about their kids staying Christians in college.
alt="San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts favorite quotes by Madeline L'Engle"

Favorite Quotes by Madeline L’Engle

Here's encouragement for your soul, faith and daily life from literary great Madeline L'Engle. SCH contributor, Jenny Klouse, shares her favorite quotes by Madeline L'Engle.

Catching Up with Julie Bell

Jenny Klouse interviews Julie Bell about her faith as an artist, and witness as a Christian artist during Christmas.

A Visit Back to the Future

Ever feel like you are in a different world when you stay with the in-laws? SCH Contributor Jenny Klouse takes her family on a trip to Michigan and experiences some antique shopping and modern-day outlet mall shopping.
A group prayer with linked hands over bibles - the power of God through prayer

God Overcomes Campus Challenge

What happens when Sonoma State University derecognizes the Christian clubs? Jenny Klouse, SCH Contributor, experiences how challenges lead to stronger faith.