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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 22, 2012.

~Introducing a Sonoma based non-profit bursting at the borders of our city and prepared to follow His will wherever He declares.~

Anyone who has ever been in the same room as Valerie Kumra and Mimi Majerus knows exactly what I mean when I say, “His light is tangibile while in their presence.”  These women are “all out” for Christ.  They live in completely unhindered reckless abandon for Him.  LoveManifest, an idea born of Valerie’s witness to the anguish of the poor, is declared by Mimi, the co-founder, as a “living act of worship”.  They have one passion that they pursue with unspeakable intensity and that is to love with His love.  Wherever that may take them.

Whether it’s to pray with the empty, hungry, and homeless gathered in the bitter, unforgiving streets of Santa Rosa, or trudging along the Cobra infested brush in India to bring water to arid land and parched mouths,  I am telling you, they will go.  They have been and they will go again.  I have listened as together they poured out their souls about what LoveManifest means to them.  It is merely a vessel to which the Lord’s love is poured through and out to cover the needs of those who go without.  It exists to love, pray, bless, clothe, feed, nourish, give sight to eyes, life to souls, to breathe hope on the hopeless, embrace the lepers, lay hands and heart on the fatherless, and give comfort to the abandoned… to whomever, wherever.

LoveManifest will not be constrained by geography.  There are no boundries too great for the Lord’s will.

The poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him from all his troubles.”

Psalm 34:6

God has already blessed LoveManifest within its first year of existence by winning a grant of $10,000 (provided by an anonymous donor through Giving of Life Grant) that is being used for bringing mobile eye camps and cataract surgeries to those in desperate need of such services in India.

Information taken from the LoveManifest Facebook page reveals that since just July 27th of this year His love has been shown to six villages, 1,846 patients have been examined, 282 patients with refractive errors were provided eyeglasses, and 226 cataract surgeries have given sight to the blind.  And there are still nine more camps to be completed before the close of this year.  The LoveManifest team (of which I am so blessed to be a part of) will be traveling to India in October to witness firsthand how God is working though them.


Also, through generous donations to LoveManifest, wells have found their homes in rural Indian villages and have run their waters over the dry, dirty feet of children and weathered hands of the aged and tired.   And locally, at the Redwood Gospel Mission , LoveManifest has been able to provide education grants to the Missions’ residents whether it be getting their GED or a Blackcoat Culinary Certificate.  Invaluable tools that give them confidence and courage to step through the open doors and into changed and chainless lives.



It is obvious the Lord’s plans do not end there as other projects are currently in the evolving stages.  The thoughts of “How can we help?”, “What can we do?”, and “Lord, what do You want us to do?” are constantly revolving around the hearts of Valerie, Mimi, and the rest of the LoveManifest board (Glenn Schulz and Norrine Geissler).  They are always alert and ready for His promptings.


If you feel led to give to LoveManifest and its causes there is a LoveManifest benefit concert coming soon to Sonoma County that national recording artist, Jimmy Needham, (a brilliant  Christian musician, vocalist, and song writer) will be performing at.  It’s happening September 29th @ 7:30pm at Spring Hills Community Church located at 3700 Fulton Road in Santa Rosa.  All proceeds from the concert go to LoveManifest missions.  Tickets are just $10 online or $15 at the door.  If you are in need of an intimate night of worship and fellowship this concert will bless you while you bless the causes behind it.


Tickets can be purchased following the direct link to the purchase page below:

Also, for a taste of Jimmy Needham’s honest lyric style and tender musicality click the following link to a song off of his latest album.

Clear the Stage by Jimmy Needham

If a concert isn’t up your alley, but you’d still like to donate or even just learn more about this incredible non-profit, I invite you to check out and hang out awhile as you pour over the words, meet the faces behind the scenes, and read about  all the projects they’re involved in.

And more importantly than all that, if you could lift up prayers for LoveManifest, the team investing their lives in His cause, and for every soul they come into contact with, that would bless them to no end.



“Now this is the confidence we have in Him,
that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask,
we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”

1 John 5:14-15

4 Responses

  1. Deborah Longfellow

    Wow! What a great article and even greater mission on the hearts of all those involved with LoveManifest and its outreach ministry. One cannot help but be moved by His Love and Blessings brought to so many far less fortunate souls because of their calling and commitment and compassion. Humble I am.




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