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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: July 27, 2015.

For years Christian films have been pigeonholed for their lack of production quality, sophmoric scripts and poor acting. But that all changed in 2008 with the release of Fireproof, starring Kirk Cameron.

Since 2008 we have witnessed a groundswell of outstanding feature films and documentaries portraying biblical principles and or the gospel message. Most of these films premiere at Christian Film Festivals, such as the Kingdomwood Film Festival  offering believers a chance to see the latest in family friendly entertainment on the big screen. They not only provide profound encouragement of faith, but also serve to expand our awareness of the triumphs and challenges of the Christian life that we may never experience.

These festivals also give filmmakers a much needed competitive platform where they can win recognition with audiences and media alike; spurring them on to improve their craft.

Every year more and more of these film festivals are popping up all over the country. They represent a critical step in changing the face of entertainment through positive media. Sonoma Christian Home is committed to supporting these festivals, the filmmakers and the people who work hard to put them together.

October 5-7 in Atlanta is the 5th annual Kingdomwood Christian Film Festival (KCFF), a not-for-profit enterprise designed to showcase films and filmmakers that promote, educate, and inspire faith-based values.

I was honored to serve on this year’s KCFF judging panel, along with a distinguished group of industry professionals including Emmy Award-winning Documentary Filmmaker Joani Livingston of Livingston-Mckay Productions, Director Wes Llewellyn, Music Composer Jurgen Beck, and Actresses Jennifer Van Horn and Shannon Fields.

Founded in 2006 by CEO Audrey Thomas, the primary goal of KCFF is to encourage filmmakers, as well as those aspiring to held this distinction, to write, produce, and direct Christian films that minister to entire families and their communities.

In addition to cinematic showcases, KCFF nurtures filmmakers with a variety of workshops. Some of this year’s workshops include: How To Succeed in Hollywood (Without Losing Your Soul) by Dr. Ted Baehr, Unified Storytelling by Brennan Smith, and Movie Financing by Entertainment Law firm Wakhisi-Douglas LLC.

The mission of KCFF is to encourage seasoned filmmakers to produce films with family friendly spiritual values; motivate and inspire young filmmakers to produce films with high moral standards; and most importantly, showcase films that honor Christ.

I frequently hear people complain there is a lack of good Christian films. After judging all the films for the 2012 KCFF, I can tell you that there are many outstanding new Christian films you won’t want to miss.

Keep an eye out for the upcoming SCH Movie Reviews of these amazing films!

Most importantly, please be sure to go out and support your local Christian Film Festival. You will be blessed by the uplifting and powerful messages through the celebrated art of filmmaking God’s way.

KCFF will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and Ravina, 4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA 30346. Phone 770-551-3888.

To register and buy tickets online visit Kingdomwood Christian Film Festival

Click here to check out the movie trailer for NEW HOPE

One Response

  1. Carolaine

    I will chime in. There is a huge misnomer that you can’t have fun if you are a Christian. I beelive that you can have fun and live a Christian life. What my family considers fun may not be what another family considers fun, nor might the activities that my husband and I pursue individually be considered fun by another. For example (and I am sure that someone will be angry that I singled out a particular event, but I could list hundreds of examples and I am sure Kristi has a word limit ) attending a ball game with my kids and risking sitting next to a group of folks yelling expletives and drinking beer is not our kind of fun while an afternoon of creek wading and exploring, pond fishing, or eating an ice cream treat at Dairy Queen is.Will someone who has not publicly professed their faith in God go to Hell? Will someone who acknowledges Christ with their dying breath and not lead a Christian life for others to see, not make it in to Heaven? We will have to debate that at a time when I don’t feel under the gun to hammer out a response Witnessing, I definitely have an opinion there While witnessing and providing a biblical foundation for your argument for Christianity probably won’t garner many points with someone who has already made up their mind’ Quite possibly they know what Christianity entails and they are not prepared to depart from their worldliness? While we are all accountable with part of our responsibility as a Christian being to witness and lead others to Christ, I am not sure that we will be dinged’, for lack of a better word, for failing to convert another person even though we have tried our darndest. I beelive that free will plays a huge role in the decision making process of some folks who may just want to wait one more day and have a little fun ‘ Lots of these folks are the folks who have issues following rules and just simply don’t like the idea of being told what to do That is where you, my friend, let your God light shine and let your life be an example so that others might become curious and want the same. Then game on you share the secret of your success’ There is that old adage You can lead a horse to water . yadda, yadda, yadda I suppose when witnessing you have a limitless supply of water in your trough right???


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