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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: June 28, 2017.

This Light would expose the darkness in the hearts of men.

And the Light shines on in the darkness,
for the darkness has never overpowered it . . .


It may have only been a piece of candy, but it stands forever in my memory as the first thing I stole. And even though I was just four, somehow I knew to hide it from Mom.

When I tried to hide myself in the floorboard of the car, however, she became suspicious.

Moments later I was marching back into Ben Franklin’s to apologize and give back my treasure.

It seems like a funny, childhood story but I wonder: How do we know at such a young age to hide our sin?

Although I grew up in a Christian home, I doubt that I had any concept of the word sin at this point. Clearly I knew I had done something wrong, though. I didn’t want to get caught – or lose the candy hidden in the dark clutches of my little hand.

What about you? Do you remember those times of blaming a little brother or sister for leaving the wet towel on the bathroom floor when it was most definitely your towel? Or how about running through the house yelling, “He hit me!” when you had poked him first? We all have our childhood stories.

But then we grew up and were soon stuffing bigger secrets into darker corners as they no longer fit into our tightly clinched fists. Instead, we carried lies within the closets of our mind; attitudes and opinions behind a smile or a joke. Habits were lived out in the secrecy of our car or behind the building. Practices we didn’t want anyone to see.

It’s interesting that the first recorded words God spoke at the creation of our universe were Let there be light.” He separated darkness from light and created the first day.

Fast forward about 4000 years to John the Baptist and another Light coming to the world: John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light. The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.” John 1:8-9

Again light was to shine upon the earth, but this time through the life of Jesus. This Light would expose the darkness in the hearts of men. Jesus did not come to the world to judge us, but to save us. Yet many reject Him and hate His Light for fear that their sin will be exposed.

I’ve been there. You have too. You don’t want to get caught. You don’t want to admit what you’ve done. You want to hide it just a little longer so you don’t have to deal with it.

But here’s an important piece of the picture: Light shines to make all things visible. Sin – yes. But also the lie, the snare, the scheme that drew you into the sin. Light exposes your enemy.

When you step forward, into the light of Jesus, you step into truth. Yes, your dark secrets and dirty laundry will be exposed. But so will the lies that got you there and the traps you fell into while stumbling around in the dark. Mindsets that have led you down dead-end roads will also be revealed.

Light is not meant to shame you, but to free you. As the Savior of the world, Jesus’ light brings the healing balm of love, not guilt.

What traps have been set against you?

Do you want to see how you’ve been lied to by the deceiver of this world?

Do you want to be free?

Truth is not always easy, but it always leads to joy. Light unveils the love that is your destiny and your friend. This is amazing news!

. . . So live as people of light! For this light within you
produces only what is good and right and true.


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