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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: March 24, 2014.

The reach of social media could be defined as a landscape of beautiful souls that God has placed at our fingertips – a legitimate new mission-field that might even compare with Africa, or the homeless section of our city. If that seems ridiculous, maybe it’s time to reconsider.

The digital landscape, like the original great commission platform, is based on simple communication through human interaction. Yet it is so different today because that living interaction can be exponentially carried out without limit to physical location. So the potential for teaching, mentoring, praying for, and reaching out to encourage people in the Lord, is virtually unlimited. By leveraging technology, one person can establish and maintain real, interactive relationships, with hundreds – even thousands – of people. It’s certainly no secret, but actually applying it may require a shift in our “work of the Lord” paradigm.

For example, what image comes to mind upon hearing the words “mission-field” – impoverished nations and starving children? Or maybe that area of town where wearied souls sleep in boxes? In all likelihood, it’s not our long lists of twitter friends or the connections we’ve made through an app-loaded, touch-screen device.

Granted, social media isn’t quite ready to physically feed people – although, it can certainly help expedite the process. But through it we are absolutely capable of doing what Jesus said; which is to disciple, teach, and preach the good news to nations and people. We are also commanded to love our neighbor. Guess what?  Our Twitter friends, whether we know them or not, are our neighbors. And ultimately, if we reconsider the spiritual hunger of everyday people: depression, troubled marriages, Bible illiteracy, godless parenting, and the generations ahead who already buckle under the influence of the enemy, then social media begins to look more and more like a legitimate mission field.

There is no way to replace a hug. But at the end of the day, it’s the communication of God’s inspired word – not a hug – that captures a heart. We’ve never seen God, but by Spirit-inspired communication we fell in love with Him. Social media is communication. And communication that glorifies God and desires to expand the kingdom has the same Holy Spirit power. So, by leveraging social media, we are currently able to interact and mentor folks from different walks of life, virtually any place on earth.

Frankly, we should really consider that the power of His Spirit is able to work just as efficiently through posting, updating, video-chatting, and other forms of messaging, as it does in person over coffee and a bible. As we’ve been appointed to a such-a-time of being able to literally reach into any life, anywhere, and interact as loving vessels filled with good news.

Again, the power of this technological expression is no secret, but it’s in the application of that power that this untapped, life-transforming potential exists. And by simply taking a closer look, those of us who desire to serve have another genuine mission-field to consider. One that is possibly just as important to the kingdom as Africa, or any homeless outreach. Only the location is now a digital landscape with an equally desperate need – spiritual poverty. A collection of hurting souls God has delivered right to our finger tips.

In conclusion, the intention here is not to rehash what we already know, but to actually employ the idea by inspiring believers, writers, intercessors, teachers and encouragers to proactively seek out the online need – by God’s lead – and help to fill it for His Glory.




Kevin Adams: Author, popular blogger, and former successful businessman, who, after losing everything he worked years to achieve, made a radical choice to let go of conventional thinking, and live literally by faith in God, to see where it would lead him. Kevin shares his experience with a transparent, elevated writing style that has challenged and encouraged thousands, earning him a trusted reputation in the Christian community.

His new release from Zondervan, available May 6, 2014 is on sale now. The Extravagant Fool: A Faith Journey That Begins Where Common Sense Ends





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