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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: July 12, 2014.

In an upside-down kingdom, it’s the foolish things, not the practical, that glorify the King. When the fool has a need, he meets the needs of another. When his hands are empty, he offers his hands instead. When his storehouse overflows, he remembers that life is a vapor and counts giving a much greater privilege than making his future a little safer. When he is maligned, he is kind, and when he is about to faint from depression, he offers high praise to the Lord and for others he makes petition. When he’s counted by men as foolish in faith, lazy when things look tough, and lucky when things seem great, he rejoices, gives thanks, and reflects on these onetime foolish things:


God made a way for Noah to escape, Sarah to conceive, Isaac to leave the altar and Abraham to father nations, Jacob to prosper over Laban, Joseph to feed the nations, Moses to deliver a nation, Joshua to win the Promised Land, Gideon’s three hundred over more than a hundred thousand. And God gave David the favor for an everlasting throne, Elijah the speed to outrun a chariot and power to feed a widow for months from a single meal, Jeremiah the zeal to stand alone, Daniel the conviction to pray out loud and face death, Esther the favor at just the right hour, Nehemiah the vision to rebuild, and ultimately He made a way for the birth, sacrifice, and resurrection of our Lord, Savior, and King of everything to exchange Himself for a bride.


If the prospect of living entirely by faith (in the One crucified entirely for us) is academically risky, impractical, and even foolish . . . then our fork in the road is clear:


To one side, these bold men and women of Scripture are like wonderful cartoon characters we quote on occasion for practical wisdom.  To the other, they are real people with blood-and-gut testimonies that have become the victories of our inheritance.


To one side, we see a savior pointing to our bootstraps who is willing to help if we’re willing to grab them first. To the other, we see that only momentary affliction is able to burn away such a Christian-centered veneer.


To one side, we see that practical wisdom aims to make life safe by storing up treasure for later and avoiding risky mistakes. To the other, we see that wise decisions are not even possible when made by the spirit of fear.


To one side, we see the more sensible answers from the minds of men. To the other, we see the truth as it rings sincere through the veil of Christianese:

Only when God becomes all that we want do we truly see that He is all we need.








Kevin Adams: Author, popular blogger, and former successful businessman, who, after losing everything he worked years to achieve, made a radical choice to let go of conventional thinking, and live literally by faith in God, to see where it would lead him. Kevin shares his experience with a transparent, elevated writing style that has challenged and encouraged thousands, earning him a trusted reputation in the Christian community.  You can follow Kevin Adams on Twitter.

His new release from Zondervan, is available now. The Extravagant Fool: A Faith Journey That Begins Where Common Sense Ends



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