It is a vision from God that stirred the heart of David Wood, a 30-year veteran in Hollywood, to beautifully portray in film, Jesus’ life following His resurrection. Wood, who underwent a dramatic spiritual transformation 12 years ago, has gone from being part of the problem in Hollywood to being part of the solution. He began his quest to make a movie called The Resurrection several years ago. Wood’s vision is one that breaks the typical Hollywood mold. His goal for this movie is to bring together and unite God’s global church.
Uniting God’s Global Church
He desires to make this movie God’s way by allowing Him to lead in every decision. Wood admits he allowed himself to get ahead of God’s plan when he originally planned a release date of Easter 2015. That release date is now looking more like Easter of 2016 or 2017. He is still working to bring churches together saying, “God is going to release this movie when He wants to.”
This movie began far different from most Hollywood films. It began with a prayer movement, and then a grassroots marketing campaign to unite and involve the church. An amazing screenplay has been written by a top-notch group of writers which includes Biblical scholars and Jewish leaders. Most importantly, this script stays true to the Word of God. Wood is still seeking interested investors who are spiritually attuned to his vision. Although several big investors have shown interest in financing the entire movie, Wood and his team are adamant that no one person or group will control and guide this project except God Himself.
David Wood already has eight investors and he is talking to many more. When he has raised the production budget of $140 million from investors, filming will begin followed by editing. Wood intends to bypass the typical Hollywood money machine, by cutting out the middle man and going directly to the consumer–churches, individuals, missionaries, theaters, etc. The Resurrection will be a simultaneous world-wide release in every known language. Wood and his partners are excited about this new vision of marketing, filming, producing, and distributing this film through the power of God’s people united for a common goal.
Wood is testing the waters with this new vision of marketing with the recently released movie Jackson’s Run.

David Wood has been traveling across many countries to inform and promote his upcoming film “The Resurrection”; Photo Courtesy of David Wood.
The Ambassador Program
The Ambassador Program is designed to bring individuals from all walks of life to be involved with the movement, the movie project, and the video game which will be made to correspond with the movie. According to executive producer David Wood, “The vision for the program is to have one million ambassadors across the entire world to represent the film project.” He is holding global conferences in different locations as a mechanism for bringing the church together.
Wood currently has 550 ambassadors signed up including Henry Lozano, the Director of Los Angeles Teen Challenge and Urban Ministry Initiatives, but most of them are known in their area, but are not necessarily famous. These ambassadors represent 195 countries across the world which is just a bit bigger than the United Nation’s influence and include places such as China, Tanzania, the Ukraine, and Russia. All denominations are represented. These ambassadors will use their positions and presence on social media to promote the film.
There are other ways to be a part of this spiritual movement. As a corporate entity, business or ministry, you can sign up as a special partner. You can serve as a spiritual producer who commits to pray for and encourage others to pray for this project. The Resurrection Project is also raising funds through crowd funding at $25 each.
Creating a Revival
Executive producer David Wood believes:
The real power of Christianity is the risen Jesus. We all know that Christ went to the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, but it is the power of Jesus resurrecting that creates the very reality of who we are as Christians. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ tells the rest of His story beyond that sacrifice, a story of love, hope, and power that kept a brutal sacrifice from being the end of the story.
David Wood is one of many trying to bring Christ back into our culture through film and entertainment. He was thrilled to see the success of Son of God, God’s Not Dead, and Mom’s Night Out. He is delighted so see so many Christian films being made around the world. As one of the Board of Directors of the Pan Pacific Film Festival, Wood is a part of showcasing and encouraging films that are engaging, moving, thought-provoking, and inspirational for the purpose of spreading the gospel.
It is his desire to use The Resurrection as a catalyst to bring the entire global church together to share the greatest love story ever told. Wood’s goal of involving the global church has been accomplished. The cinematography will be astounding with 3-D and special effects showing the glory of Heaven and the devastation of Hell. And in my opinion, the global impact is a great way to create the revival our world so desperately needs.
To become an ambassador, special partner or spiritual producer go to The Resurrection Project
For more information David Wood can be reached at or at 310.717.4164
Read Ginny’s previous interview with David Wood about The Resurrection Project
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