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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: April 29, 2015.

Is it your goal to be an average mom? Do you expect to raise kids who will have no positive influence on their generation? Of course not! No one wants to get to the end of their lives and realize they lived  a mere average existence when they could have lived an OVER-THE-TOP life.

Jesus said “I have come that you might have life, and life more abundantly” (John 10:10). That word abundant means “over-the-top”. Like a cup that is full and running over – Jesus gave us a true picture of how extraordinary the life of His followers should be. Contrary to what many would teach in this age of prosperity doctrine, Jesus was not referring to an abundance of material blessing in this passage. So, what does Jesus promise to His followers?

In our Covenant with Christ, not only does Jesus promise to wash away ALL our sins, fill us with His Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and empower us to do His will; Christ also promises, to those in a relationship with Him, the opportunity to live a life that is far above status-quo. Is this your heart’s cry?

Imagine, you no longer have to wake up every day and settle for just getting through another day! Or face each morning with a list of how-to-get-to-the top. Do you know what I am talking about? Those things you are going to try to make happen to bring success for yourself–or your kids.

The over-the-top life that Jesus offers cannot be accomplished through manipulation, or merely pulling yourself up by your bootstraps to muscle through. On the other hand, the life that rises above status-quo won’t just happen to you either. So what can you do? On your own–nothing. But God, who knows the plans He has for you, has given you a formula for living an above average existence.

What is that formula? Ask anyone who has learned to live the life God intended and they will say: Prayer, diligently studying Scripture, and applying what you learn to your life are critical steps in abundant living. You have to daily appropriate the resources God gives to His children – live deliberately – as I like to call it.

Faithfully attending church and fellowshipping with other believers is absolutely necessary as well. (Do you realize that to “forsake the assembly” of yourself with other believers is to disobey the Lord’s mandate for His people?)

Yes, the Lord has granted us everything we need for life and godliness in Christ Jesus (2 Peter 1-3). As a mother, God will give you success in parenting if you choose to live in obedience to His ways. By the way, success doesn’t mean raising perfect kids, it means living in a manner that causes your kids to want to know your Savior.

Oh, that the lives of every believer were spent living in over-the-top obedience to Christ!

How Christians would shine like starsas God intended–to the lost, if we strive diligently to ABIDE IN CHRIST (see Daniel 12:3; John 15). Will you allow God to do through you all that He has planned in the few years He has ordained that you should live on this earth?

Imagine how your children would be drawn to know the Lord if they witnessed your life full and overflowing with abundant passion for Christ.

Will you join with me in praying, Oh Father, convict me when I settle for status-quo Christianity?

May it never be said of this generation that we settled for average when God offers abundance!

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