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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 6, 2015.

May love consume and guide me. May joy extend its hand through me.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him
was not any thing made that was made.

John 1:1-3

The Divine Grace and Mercy of Christ –

As I read John 1 this morning a wondrous, terrible thought cut me again to the core:
The perfect One, the One who created all things, knew when He created man that we would turn against Him.

He knew when He said “It is very good” that it would not remain so.

Jesus knew that a portion of the angelic would rebel against Him and even strive for evil; that the beauty and perfection of nature would degenerate as sin entered the world.

He knew His prized possession – mankind – would reject their Maker and hurt themselves and each other to unimaginable depths.

Jesus knew as He spoke creation into existence that He would eventually lay down His authority and limit Himself in the form of a human body in order to walk among those He created and make a path back to Himself.

He knew, yet He spoke.

He knew, yet He moved forward in His plan to have sons and daughters with whom He would share His life, wisdom, love, and power.

How did You feel as You were speaking creation into existence, Jesus? How were You able to do it?

Father, was there pain in Your heart at that moment knowing Your Son would walk the earth, rejected and scorned?

When You looked down through time and saw death, painful death, did you hesitate? Or did You stand determined, knowing Jesus would rise and defeat death with death?

Oh Lord, may my life be a fragrant offering of thanksgiving back to You. May I be a vessel through which You can pour Yourself out and reveal Your heart of intimate power.

May this child, this lump of clay so perfectly formed, bring You love and honor through the grace of Your Son. May I be a piece of Your redemptive plan to defeat evil and expose Your wisdom and truth.

May love consume and guide me. May joy extend its hand through me. May Your Kingdom dwell richly in me that the greatness of Your love, patience, long-suffering, kindness, grace, and peace be recognized and known.

To You be all the glory and honor, power and dominion forever. To You alone, for You alone are worthy. From the highest in the land to the child now taking his first breath, may You be seen in perfect truth and love.


Want more of Amy’s inspiring articles? Check out A New Twist on Pruning

To read more about the author visit Amy Layne Litzelman


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