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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: June 4, 2016.

The last surgery that you need in learning how to hear God’s voice is heart surgery. Hebrews 4:12 talks about a dividing line between the soul and the spirit. This has to be the finest line of separation on earth. How many times have we thought something was the spirit and yet it was our soul (mind, will, emotions)? Conversely, how many times have we thought something was our soul and yet it was our spirit trying to relay us something? The answer is probably, too many! This is why the word of God and knowing/understanding God is so crucial. You can have a great relationship with God, a renewed mind, and yet still miss what God is saying. Nobody ever wants that to happen, or at least they shouldn’t.

The word of God in this instance isn’t sifting through or removing bad parts. The word of God in this surgery is acting as a dividing line. It is a boundary to your soul and spirit. It says, “this is where the soul ends and the spirit begins.” The word is what helps us define our boundary between the soul and the spirit. You may be asking, why is this important? Because God can only be pleased in the Spirit! Anything we do outside of the Spirit–no matter how good our intentions may be–it won’t please God.

If you have ever read your bible and it felt dry; or perhaps, you were praying and didn’t experience a breakthrough. Or you were in a service at a church building and you ended up just singing some songs, rather than really worshiping God. All of this is the result of just a soul-ish manifestation, rather than a truly spiritual connection to God. Let me say this, if you are not hearing God’s voice or you are not overcoming the way you know you should . . . perhaps you have been going through the motions in your soul. What you need to do, the remedy, is to get in the Spirit. God has poured out His Spirit on all flesh. Now’s your time to get in the Spirit and hear the voice of God! Pray in the Spirit, find some music that will enable your spirit to worship and connect with God, listen to some preaching that will stir your faith . . . whatever you need to do to get in the Spirit, do it!

He who has ears to hear . . . let him hear what the Spirit is saying!

Click here if you missed Hearing the Voice of God, Part II

Learn more about the author Casey Bombacie

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