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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: August 16, 2016.

When you’re having money problems, keep your faith in God. Author Rhonda Stoppe shares her biblically-inspired insight on dealing with financial struggles.


Over the years, my husband and I have counseled with a number of Christian couples whose marital strife stemmed from financial issues. Even when husband and wife are committed Christians, money troubles are difficult to handle.

The struggles usually begin when they take their eyes off God as their provider and begin blaming one another for their circumstances. The common complaints we hear from them are:

  • My husband works too many hours
  • She spends too much money on frivolous things
  • We are in so much debt we can’t breathe
  • The kids are left with no supervision because we both work long hours.

Somewhere along the way, these couples––who’ve been blessed by God—began to become preoccupied with their material goods (or their lack of them). Gradually their focus shifted from Christ, who is their provider, onto themselves.

They became consumed with seeking fulfillment from what they had and working to acquire more.

Maybe you can identify with these couples. Has your focus turned from Christ to career? Have you mistakenly come to think more money equals security––and ultimately a happier marriage? If so, it is time to rethink your priorities.

If you find yourselves in financial trouble, you may want to ask your pastor if there is an elder in your church who can help you learn some practical money management skills. Or you can visit Christian financial expert Dave Ramsey’s website to download free budgeting tools and other helpful resources.

All of us will face financial concerns at one time or another, maybe you are amidst one of those seasons now. I can relate, earlier in our marriage, when my husband, Steve was a carpenter, sometimes he couldn’t find work for months on end because of the rainy season.

I can remember standing at the kitchen sink, praying, “Lord, this is Your house. We will use it for ministry, but You need to make the payment on Your house!”

It was during one of those hard times a Titus 2 woman reminded me of Jesus’ advice to His followers:

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you

Matthew 6:33

So you know what I did? I began taking seriously Jesus’ instruction to press in to my relationship with Him through Bible study, prayer and fellowship with other passionate Christ followers. And do you know what I learned? God is faithful when He promises:

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you

(see James 4:8).

As I pressed into Jesus, God drew nearer to me. He quieted my anxious thoughts, and caused me to rest in His sovereign hand of provision.

Listen to this wonderful in sight from the book: A Husband After God’s Own Heart. Author Jim George says that when it comes to priorities,

You are to seek a life of spiritual growth and following after God’s priorities for your life. Then, friend, God will provide for your family. That’s God’s promise! Seek God…and have everything! Seek the world…and lose everything (Luke 9:25).

But what if it seems as though God hasn’t provided for your house payment? What if all you work for is lost? Did God not come through–– or is it possible He has a better plan?

Read what God says:

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the LORD.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts

Isaiah 55:8

When you learn to seek the Lord as the priority of your life you can trust that He is the One who provides for your every need. And when life throws you a curve, and financial struggles come, you will discover a sweet peace as He provides for your needs in ways you may never have imagined. And, in your decision to press in to Christ at the point of your need, you will have NO REGRETS.

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