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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: September 10, 2017.

It seems to be the calm before the storm. Residents of Florida and nearby states brace themselves as Hurricane Irma approaches. The hurricane promises to leave a devastating trail of ruin and chaos, leaving a scar across the eastern United States.

How should Christians be responding to this catastrophic weather event?

First, we should respond in prayer. I urge you to pray for everyone affected by Hurricane Irma. Pray that their homes won’t be damaged, and their lives won’t be lost. Pray that God will show Himself even in the storm. Only God has control over the wind and the waves, so prayer is the starting point. Cry out to God!

Second, trust in the Lord. We, as Christians, know that even in the chaos God is in control.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28
Because of God’s Word we have hope that this is not our home, and God is going to do what’s best for us.
So how should Christians respond to Hurricane Irma? Pray for the families and individuals affected, trust God, and pray that His glory will be displayed.
Click here to read the lyrics to an encouraging song inspired by a hurricane!

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