HSLDA Success In Truancy Hearing

Regrettably, the school district harassed Ms. Summer alleging that her children were truant, despite the fact they were not enrolled.
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Learning the Language

Have you ever prayed that God would make you proficient in communicating with the people around you?
Coffee Mom Waking Up

Your First Face

I want them to anticipate coming into my presence. I want to them to know they’ll be wrapped up in warm words of greetings.
Homeschool Lessons completed by a Little Girl - how to choose a homeschool curriculum

Lessons For Little Girls

The best gift I will have given them, after the knowledge of God, will be the gift of loving to learn!
Salad Spinner Art

Salad Spinner Art

This is a great activity for a rainy winter day, especially if the kiddos are still on Winter Break!

Why No Parents Allowed?

"Education begins in the home and flourishes when we draw upon the combined efforts of children, parents, teachers, and administrators.”