texting turns to sexting

Teens, Texting Turns to Sexting

When teens' texting turns to sexting, we often blame peer pressure. But what if there's a deeper reason that children are engaging in such harmful activity?
empty nest eternal father

Empty Nest, Eternal Father

As I have done countless times before, I remain motionless, peering through the open closet door, staring at all that remains of our children’s childhood. His favorite books and games, her much loved dolls and ...
Can you leave your child home alone

Can You Leave Your Child Home Alone?

Are you a single parent juggling work and family? SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates shares the factors to consider before you leave your child home alone.
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Helping Your Child Discover Their Destiny

If you’re wondering what that one big thing could be for your child Author Phil Cooke offers some key tips on how to help your children fulfill their God given destiny.
child hand touching elderly hand

12 Tips For Cultivating Compassion In Your Kids

This is the example that is set before our children: It’s all about me. I need to be noticed, I need to be famous, I need the best, I need to be happy. So how do we, as moms, change that mindset in our children?