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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 5, 2013.

Jesus stood and He cried in a loud voice,
If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.

JOHN 7:37

If you’re like me, I often write bible verses or quotes from good books on cards and hang them around my home. My fridge is covered. My bulletin boards, mirrors, and the bar by the kitchen sink – the same. I often open a drawer or a book and find a dog-eared note: precious reminders of a Father who loves to speak to me.

The only problem is, when I get busy these miniature signposts start to fade into the scenery.

This morning as I hung a scrap of paper with a phone number on my cork board, I saw a note from this past year:

“I am of the opinion that we should not be concerned about working for God until we have learned the meaning and delight of worshiping Him.”

A.W. Tozer, Whatever Happened to Worship

I literally stopped in my tracks as the words ran like warm oil over my heart and mind. “Slow down, Amy,” it seemed to say. “Worship.”

And I just stood there, breathing Him in.

After a while I felt compelled to walk around my home and read some of the cards I have too long overlooked. I’m worshiping my way through my morning, drinking again from fountains that have brought Life so many times before; fountains that are all connected to the one true Fountain, Jesus.

I’d like to share a few.
May you, also, drink deep and be refreshed.


It is a small, four-letter word that will cost you everything.
Laying down your life.
Passion and compassion.
Giving without expecting.
Feeling His very heartbeat and surrendering to His rhythm.
Following the Lamb wherever He goes…”

Heidi Baker, IRIS Ministries, Mozambique


“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord,
and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee”

Saint Augustine


“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me:
thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever.”

Psalm 138:8


We release through our shadow whatever overshadows us.”

Bill Johnson, Bethel Church


“Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God.”
Jesus  (John 11:40)

“No matter the issue or conflict, the answer is more of Him!”
Bill Johnson, Bethel Church

What special words have given you strength, hope, or encouragement?
What has stopped you in your tracks and made you breath deep?
Please, share them below. God bless you!


Find more of Amy’s encouragement in Changing Your Perspective

Amy Layne Litzelman is passionate about knowing God more intimately in each moment and helping others do the same. Amy released her first book, This Beloved Road: A Journey of Revelation and Worship, in 2011. She has also composed over seventy songs, recorded four CDs, and traveled to teach and lead worship across the United States and in the Philippines and China. She and her husband, Matt, live in Jackson Hole, WY and have two adult sons.


Click here to learn more about gifted faith writer Amy Layne Litzelman


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3 Responses

  1. Landon Metts

    Thank you Amy. That was just what I needed. Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of life, we get to the “doing” and forget “why” we are doing it. Thank you for helping me to stop today and glorify the Lord.

    • Amy Layne Litzelman

      Your very welcome, Landon. And thank you for your note. Amazing how the blessings of worshiping our God continue to reverberate when we share it together. God bless you!


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