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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: November 19, 2014.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:3-5


Your view of people is revealed in how you serve people.

Our society too often measures people in terms of salary, responsibility, degrees, the size of your company, benefits, title, and prestige. Have you ever felt judged in these or other areas? I am so relieved that the Bible has a different paradigm! Jesus said, “The greatest among you will be your servant (Matthew 23:11)”.

When you are serving other people, you are serving God. A servant’s mindset can become lost in a world that is fighting for entitlement. A self-centered retirement is ultimately a miserable retirement season. A student who goes the second mile for a classmate influences their campus more than a self-consumed scholar. Do not let your perspective become polluted. God’s Word stands forever, this world does not last (Isaiah 40:8).

Your relationship with Jesus is demonstrated by how you value other people. Almost everyone wants to be a servant, except when it is actually time to serve. People applaud unity until it means giving up personal preferences. The ideal of love is wonderful, but who will make the costly sacrifices that real love requires? Will you continue to serve when you are treated like a servant?

The people who have impacted my life in the deepest ways have chosen to gratefully and unselfishly serve. Howard Hendricks continued to joyfully teach his students while battling through cancer. E.K. Bailey saw the future and reached out to the younger generation with his passionate and sincere faith. Jeff Johnson thoughtfully and compassionately listened to and interacted with a wide range of people. I am grateful that these friends invited me to walk closely with them and watch their example. Who has had this type of an influence in your life?

When Jesus was approaching the time to die on the cross, He drank the metaphorical cup of suffering. Jesus’ prayer, even though His heart was troubled, was a powerful demonstration of His true humility: “Father glorify Thy Name (John 12:28).” His utmost desire and commitment was to God’s glory and serving people. Your new season is linked to a serving role that God has prepared for you. It is a privilege to serve God and people because that is when you are most like Jesus.


How does an eternal perspective give you a radical passion to serve?



Jesse Bradley is passionate about helping people discover the grace of Jesus- both in practical and eternal ways. He serves as Senior Pastor of Sebastopol Christian Church ( in Northern California, with degrees from Dartmouth College and Dallas Theological Seminary. Once a professional goalkeeper in Scotland and Zimbabwe, God redirected him into ministry through a life-threatening illness. He is the author of Rooted In Grace and A New Season. Jesse and his wife, Laurie, have three children.




Yearning for more inspiration? You might also like Peaceful Reconciliation.

Excerpt republished with permission from A New Season by Jesse Bradley c. 2013

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