New Wildflower film promotions are just starting to hit social media. From the creators of King’s Faith, this story filled with romance, mystery and secrets weaves together a redemptive tale of hope and healing. Co-starring in the film as “Nicole,” Shari Rigby (of October Baby fame) is a busy wife, mother, actress and Women’s Ministry speaker.
Growing up in North Dakota, Shari dreamed of being an entertainer. For Shari, success in print modeling came at a young age and quickly evolved into commercial work and film. She has been credited with eight films, and an assortment of print awards. She is currently working on the promotion & release of the film, Not Today.
Sonoma Christian Home had an opportunity to sit down for a casual chat in her Los Angeles home. SCH Editor at Large Dawn Gregg reports.

Shari Rigby is a published author, shining actress, and strong woman of God; Photo Courtesy of Shari Rigby.
SCH: Can you tell us a little bit about Wildflower?
SR: It’s one of the first faith-based thrillers. The film’s characters are dealing with faith struggles. Due to some hard life circumstances and deep wounds, they are struggling. Nicole, my character in Wildflower is a broken woman with a past. She is raising Chloe on her own and has had to deal with her child’s emotional struggles for many years. Nicole has been in and out of relationships and it has affected Chloe. She hasn’t had an easy road or made the best choices as a mother. As a young college student, Chloe is trying to deal with unresolved circumstance from childhood…her unhealthy upbringing. She is keeping many secrets from her mother. Hiding many things.
SCH: This is the perfect set-up for a thriller. A troubled home, a rebellious teen-aged daughter.
SR: Exactly. My character eventually finds hope and she wants a better mother-daughter relationship but the past doesn’t make this an easy task. Nicole remains hopeful. This is where healing can begin.
SCH: Can you share with us some lasting impressions you have about Natalia Ramos who plays Chloe?

Shari as “Nicole” in Wildflower; Photo Courtesy of Shari Rigby.
SR: Natalia is a very interesting. She is a brilliant young woman. She’s beautiful and science minded; highly educated. She’s a pretty unique young woman. And the longer I have had time to process our time together, the more I would say that’s true.
SCH: And, you’ve worked with Cody, the young man who plays Josh?
SR: Yes. Cody Longo played my son in Not Today. And here we are years later, working together again. Josh becomes a friend to Chloe. One of the scenes we had together, Cody turns to me on set one day and says, “Wow! This is kind of weird. I’m standing next to you doing a scene but you’re not my mom this time around AND you’re blonde!”
SCH: I love when the Lord weaves our paths with those of others. And sometimes, He crosses them again and again.
SR: Yes. He is so intimately involved and wise in His timing. At the end of the day, it’s all about relationships.

Shari Rigby in Wildflower; Photo Courtesy of Faith Street Film Partners.
SCH: Yes. I agree. Even when it comes to our work, it’s all about the relationships we encounter along the way. The people He has placed us in front of and those He has placed in front of us.
SR: Absolutely. I’m learning that more and more each day.
SCH: Do you have a favorite memory from the set?
SR: I loved being on the set and talking about the Lord. Sharing stories about him and what he’s doing in my life. We filmed in upstate NY. It was freezing cold. I was trying desperately to look beautiful and positive and not like a train wreck and it’s twelve o’ clock at night and we’re in an alley and a group of drunk locals were yelling at us as we were all trying to make it through a tough scene. That was a fun night.
SCH: You lead a weekly fellowship group/Bible Study called TWIMW.

The cover art of ‘Beautifully Flawed’; Photo Courtesy of Shari Rigby.
SR: Yes. The Women In My World is a place where we can come together as sisters in Christ. We worship together. We grow side by side in wisdom and understanding. It’s a powerful and a really beautiful thing. When I came to LA, I thought it was all about me being an actress but now I realize I’m here to love on women.
SCH: Whether it’s in the market or on set, in casting offices, the make-up trailer, our neighborhoods – it really is ALL about people. Souls.
SR: Yep.
SCH: You are now a published author! Are you hearing from Beautifully Flawed readers?
SR: I am. Gosh, it’s been so incredible to hear from readers. I’ve been getting a lot of messages from women all over the country. At the end of my book, I encourage readers to share their own stories and they have been doing that. It’s amazing to read them as they come in. There’s a trailer for the book up on my website. You should check it out!
SCH: We live in a visual culture. I think that was very wise of you to offer your readers this tool in an attempt to connect with the story. Will there be a Beautifully Flawed film?
SR: We shall see what the Lord does there. We are working on a screenplay now.
SCH: I know you cannot talk about your most recent project, filmed in India yet but I can’t wait to come back and talk about that film when you are free to do so.
SR: Absolutely. I would love that and look forward to it.
Coming in the Fall of 2015! Be sure to follow Wildflower as word of mouth spreads. Visit Shari’s Website and follow along with the projects the Lord is bringing her way.
Check out Wildflower online for more info on the film.
[…] Interview: Actress Shari Rigby on Upcoming Film ‘Wildflower’ & “Beautifully Flawed” […]