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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: November 17, 2015.

Jesus himself knew the importance of desires being fulfilled: “…for they shall be satisfied.” In all of our longing, we must be able to recognize God to be satisfied. That you may know Jehovah God is both the longing and the reward.

I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,

that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the

knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has

called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his

power toward us who believe….

Ephesians 1:16-19

Ephesians is an amazing book. I can easily spend months at a time pondering these timeless words, rolling them over and over in my heart. I often find myself praying Paul’s prayers for the early Church over myself and others, gently holding each syllable like a dew drop on my tongue.

This past week I was praying them over myself, as old habits and emotions tried to pull on me, I pressed in to hear the Spirit. He said, “Read Ephesians.” Such perfect guidance. In praying for eyes to see the hope to which I’m called and the greatness of His power in me, I was again overwhelmed at the One I serve. In ways too deep to express He has renewed my thoughts simply by showing me more of Himself.

This Christian walk, I have found, is a unique and precise tension between having eyes to behold the wisdom and glory of God and a heart that hungers for yet more. If we could easily see and understand all of who our God is, we would just as easily dismiss Him. If His vast mountain of wisdom, love, and power could be scaled in a single day with the ease of a Sunday stroll, we would never comprehend the depths of His endless riches.

It through the tedious, the gut-wrenching, and the struggle to continue that we learn the value of hunger. To the comfortable and satisfied, even the slightest discomfort is anguish. But to the hungry, a trek through the wilderness is forever worth the table set on the other side.

Spiritual hunger is a precious gift from a Creator who knows our weaknesses. To be hungry is to be motivated; to be hungry is to need something outside of ourselves. Hunger drives us beyond the empty pleasures and pain of earth into knowing the eternal realms of heaven – and that while still on earth.

It was with profound understanding that Jesus spoke to the crowds: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…” (Matthew 5:6) He knew the pull of complacency and the value of desire. He knew that without hunger we would just as soon sit in our mess.

Jesus himself knew the importance of desires being fulfilled: “…for they shall be satisfied.” In all of our longing, we must be able to recognize God to be satisfied. That you may know Jehovah God is both the longing and the reward.

If the Holy Spirit were to only tempt you on without profound moments of rest and dining with Him, if you never experienced the unspeakable joy of seeing His personal involvement in your journey, if the truths of the Bible didn’t come alive and active in your own life, you would certainly become heartsick. Without His power strengthening you – body, soul, and spirit – you could soon lose faith and fall deeper into despair than at the first.

Yes, this road is narrow and difficult that leads to Life, but it is abundant with the things of heaven. There is satisfaction with each step when our eyes are fixed on the Perfect One. With one glimpse of His smile, one word from His lips, one touch of His hand, your heart is strengthened and your desire to continue to the end deepens.

What an amazing revelation: Jehovah God is both the longing and the reward. In gazing upon His beauty, you will find both hunger and satisfaction.

So where does today find you?
Are you weary or overwhelmed?
Have you settled into a deep, dry rut?
Are you still believing, but need a fresh word?

As Paul prayed from a prison cell nearly 2000 years ago, I pray for you now:

• May Light from heaven shine on your heart even this moment and give you fresh wisdom and revelation of your Father.
• May hope rise up within – hope in the perfect union between you and your God.
• May the rich inheritance of His presence and power overwhelm you – exciting and enabling you to be and do more than you have ever considered before.
• May the same faith that filled and motivated Jesus to follow each and every word of His Father also fill you, bringing the Kingdom of God into your circumstance.

God bless you, dear friend. The One who has called you is faithful, and He is longing to reveal Himself to you and through you.



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