Why Many Christian Leaders Are Supporting Trump in 2016

Election 2016 has proven to be one of the fiercest and most divisive elections in recent history. Stuck between two unfavorable candidates, Ginny Dent Brant shares why Christian leaders are supporting Trump and backing the party with biblical values.
Jennifer O'Neill with Masey McLain in 'I'm Not Ashamed'

Eternal Light Shines Bright in New Movies

The Light shines bright in new movies at the theatre for this last week of October. SCH once again has excellent top picks for your trip to the movies. SCH Editor At Large Dr. Diane Howard shares the details.
A curvy road during autumn through the mountains - let god in on the little things

Let God In On The Little Things | God Interruptions

God wants us to do kingdom-building work every day of our lives, not just on mission trips or during dramatic struggles. Grammy Nominated Christian Singer and Author, Michele Pillar, shares why it is so important to let God in on the little things daily and trust He will take something small and make it life-changing.