happy in love older couple relaxes on pier by the ocean - when he doesn't tell you you're pretty

When He Doesn’t Tell You You’re Pretty | Part I

Though your love for your husband is unbreakable, when he doesn't tell you you're pretty or go out of his way to make you feel beautiful, it can leave a harsh strain on your relationship. SCH Contributor, Rhonda Stoppe, shares her bibically-driven tips to combat this common marriage problem.
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How To Lead A Team Of People

Is there a perfect method to managing a group in your workplace? SCH Contributor Phil Cooke details how to lead a team of people.
a homeschooling mother teaching her two sons - Be open to the path God has planned

Be Open to the Path God has Planned for You

Writer and Mother Jeney Pribyl has learned to be open to the path God has planned, for her own life and her family's. God has changed her perspective and led her to homeschool her children.
Father with Beautiful Teenage Daughter Happy Affection Outdoors Background SCH - praying for your teen

Praying For Your Teen

Praying for your teen is vital to growing their faith. Today SCH Contributor, Lindsey Andrews offers three ways to lift up your children before the Lord.
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When You Get In Trouble At Work

How does your faith affect your reactions to getting in trouble at work? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison has some great advice for maintaining integrity in the workplace.
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4 Must Take Family Vacations

Wondering what trips to take before the kids leave your house? SCH Editor Lindsey Andrews has 4 must take family vacations you must take, no matter how old your children or your budget.