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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: April 12, 2017.

Son of God is the incredible story of Jesus from his birth through his resurrection!

After Jesus was born, three wise men traveled and declared “Him” the future King. Several years later, Jesus travels to Galilee and begins to recruit followers. Spreading his incredible words of wisdom and sharing numerous amounts of miracles, Jesus builds a huge following and the negative attention of Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees.

With spectacular performances from such outstanding actors as Diogo Morgado (Love Finds You in Valentine) Sebastian Knapp, and Conan Stevens (The Bible miniseries), and the magnificent Roma Downey as Mary.

Son of God – an epic biblical drama – is an amazing story of The New Testament and Jesus, his disciples, betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection. Son of God is an adaptation of The Bible miniseries, and is the perfect film to view this Easter with your family. The movie is a strong faith-based film that grossed over $59 million in the United States. This powerful movie, full of sensational cinematography, boasts a deeper study into the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Son of God is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. Pick up a copy for your family!




For more information about this film, visit the official website!

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